F.Y.I- Going around hollering about preferring big dick says less about you and more about your ass hole.
When guys go around telling others about the HUGE dicks they took the night before I‘m always amazed. I’ve been around the block a time or 2 and have had many discussions with my friends that do the penetrating. We all agree this is not a good look. Size preference is relative, but there are some things you should just keep to your damn self. Please realize you’re always being judged by your constituents and your counterparts.
There is nothing more off putting to a top than a bottom with no walls. No matter how attractive you are. No matter how ripped you are. No matter how well versed you are in current affairs. If your ass ain’t got no grip you can forget it!
I once had relations with a guy named King. That was his real name. King went to Morehouse on course to receive his P.H.D, was undisputedly very attractive, and had the charm to empty your savings account. I knew I could talk to him about anything. Anything but his ass that had no grip to it. To him our sex was amazing. What he didn’t know was that it was only amazing because I had just recently learned from a loose booty friend how to fuck a guy like him. This method was amazing to him but in no way replaced the feel of some good ass for me. When I ended our relationship I was flooded with incessant calls, texts, and emails as to why? I gave the usual rhetoric- It’s not you it’s me, etc. I had no idea how to tell him He Had Some Bad Ass.
I say all this to say, listen to your subconscious when it tells you a dick is to big. In my time I’ve only met one guy who maintained a grip tight ass while boasting about taking ANY dick size. My hat went off to him, but this ONE instance by no means excuses the rest of you. Some dicks should be treated as novelty items- nice to look at or good for experience in short usage. Keep in mind : The dick you take now may very well prevent you from landing the guy you immensely want later.
nice header , and loool !!
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