Making Love 2 Myself


I masturbate a lot. My highest number in one day is 8. I masturbate at work in the restroom often and I’ve pleasured myself under my desk many times as coworkers obliviously walk by. I’ve had the urge to ejaculate while out at trendy posh restaurants as well as seedy night clubs and I don’t fight the urge. I excuse myself to the nearest men’s lavatory and jack off. I’ve masturbated in the car while driving many times, ignoring the glares of truck drivers that sit high above me. Sometimes at home I’ll light candles, burn incense, play some soft music and I’ll make love to myself. Other times I’ll be in the shower and I’ll abruptly take myself, throwing myself up against the walls. Yes I’m in love with me and I love myself…....often….I suggest you do the same.


Monique said...

And here I was thinking we women were the only ones doing it. Love the new layout, by the way.

Qucifer said...

HA! I agree and cosign, I do the same, helps I keep a snuggie at work.. how unclassy!

robertga99 said...

I just heard the best quote...
I have the best sex life but I really would like to find someone to share it with.

Westopher said...

Firstly, great pic. That's a hot bitch right there...I would love to be that chair.

Second, I'm pretty sure that people who say they don't masturbate are liars.

I spank it all the time. A good wank will set you right.

Eduardo Guize said...

you're my favorite sexual freedom prophet

Unknown said...

To quote Terrell Owens, "I love me some me."
Yeah, i gotta get my jack on at least twice a day.
And that is a HOT pic you got up there. Who is that guy?

Anonymous said...

I do. For years. (Love the picture with this post).

gee said...

you sound like me!

Corve said...

Sometimes its better by your self. You get to know what works for you.


@Monique Thanks ..I had no idea females did it too! Guess I'm in good company

@Qucifer- I'll never look at a snuggie the same way again! LOL

@Robertga99- LOL..That's going to be my next Facebook status

@Westopher- I agree and a good wank has been the start of some of my best days

@Eduardo Guize- Awwww I love it...Hmmm I think I'll be using that in my introduction to new people. "Hello I'm Toy. Your sexual freedom prophet."

@Mechadude2001- I'm not sure what his name. Once I began to lust I generally forget names :)

@Michael Rivers Thank you..I have for years also

@gee I knew we had alot in common

@Corve I totally agree and I've got it down to a science

Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl said...

Haha, why not. I agree with Westopher's comment above - 99% of people who say they don't do it are liars. Nothing's wrong with masturbation, I believe it's one of the most natural things. And lol at your idea for your new introdution to people, haha And I laughed at that quote Roberta99 shared, might as well use it as my FB status too LOL

P.S. And thanks for your sweet comments. Really appreciate your kind words!

Cogent Ascending said...

I prefer self love to most sexual encounters I've had. There were maybe two times with two different guys in my my whole life who made me feel better than my right hand could.

Bruno Laliberté said...

to all of those people thinking we are pervs,
we all think they are hypocrites...

JACK said...

Once had a friend advise me to jerk off before I went out on a date because that would get it out of my system and I'd be less prone to get wooed into putting out on a first date. FUCK kinda advice is that? That just mean I'm a last longer -- not that I'm a be disinterested!

And yes - I fuck on the first date. I don't see what the problem is - I've picked random profiles online and done the do with fools who thought my name was Billy.

Curious said...

I'm sorry I read this. Now I'll be looking at all those people at work and wondering what's going on.

Unknown said...

Hey wanker, Just kidding, hehe. I use to think bad things will happen if I masturbated. Thank my grandmother for that!!

8 times in one day? Can you still see? I kid.


@Julia, the Thanksgiving Girl- If you agree then it's biblical now. I shall continue jacking off with my head up :)

@Cogent Ascending- I totally agree. My hand never disappoints or skeets me in the eye when I specifically said "let me know when you're about to cum"

@TICKLEBEAR- So true! and oh how I depise hypocrites

@JACK- LMAO!! I was given that same advise and the results where exactly the same. Glad to know I'm in good company. lol..And as far as fucking on the first night read this post:

@Curious- well you is ever what it appears to be

@WannabeVirginia W.- LMAO! I'm walking, living, and seeing proof that fable isn't true..If so I would have been blind by age

Stephen said...

"Don't knock masterbation. It is sex with someone I love"
Woody Allen

Chet said...

I love making love to myself, in fact I pleasure myself at least once a day even when I'm in a relationship. Just recently my new neighbor was telling his gurlfriend that he hears me jackin off at night. Now I hear him.

Prince Todd said...

Chile, there ain't nothing wrong with masturbation...It is sex with someone that i love A LOT.
Anyway, there have been some guys that made me WISH I had stayed home and jacked off.

Y said...

Masturbation is like eating;)When you say I don`t masturbate is like as if your saying I don`t
The pic attached is wonderful,TC!

Ian Black said...

This blog has Great photos. Love it. Lol

Unknown said...

Can't NOBODY F&CK you like you!

yet another black guy said...

interestingly enough, I JUST decided to stop masturbating. I want to be able to have my mind blown (hehe) the next time I have sex and self stimulation may weaken that for me.

Anonymous said...

Great post and blog!

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