The Art Of Being A Whore


He wonders how he fell so fast. Everybody else wonders how I did it. ….I’m a whore. Plain & simple. So he never saw it coming. Everybody has a fantasy. If you’re a whore your job is to be that fantasy. It takes an intuitive individual to be able to identify another persons wants, needs, and desires. Especially without them telling you. It’s an innate sense. One that a psychology class can’t provide. So some people are born whores. Like it or not they have an advantage in life.

The word whore has been drug thru the mud over time and has evolved into a sleazy term reeking of self hate and degradation. And although there are different levels of whoredom the current perception of the word is far from the truth. Don’t fall for the propaganda. It is a slut that has sex with any and everybody. A whore is selective and lays down for a self serving purpose. And although your sex game must be on point, sex is only an ancillary part of the equation. A good whore must fuck your mind. Intellectual intercourse begins as soon as I say “Hello”.

Knowing what turns a man on may draw him to you but the distinctive talent to break down walls and glamour him into being at ease enough to be himself takes an exceptional charm. Confidence is supreme. Seduction is key. The willingness to objectify yourself for a higher cause is eminent. Anybody can get a man to fuck them, but it takes an exceptional skill to make him fall in love. I implore you bring to surface your inner whore. Common whores will take your man and gold digging whores will take him straight to the bank. So if you want to get a man or even keep a man I suggest you learn the art of being a whore.


Forbidden Light said...

Preach! I hate how people confuse us freaks for sluts. I can turn you out three ways from Sunday, but I am no slut; I am very selective and strategic. Everyone can't handle this.

Thank you for taking the Intelsexual Movement a step further!

dupree* said...


KAOS said...

You have the full support and eternal devotion of this particular whore. Go forward soldier, and spread the good word.

Roger Poladopoulos said...

Right on point, my friend!

robertga99 said...

Wow, I never knew it but I guess I am an artist after all. :)

Cogent Ascending said...

*sighs* if I give you a prettier word for it will you use it? Before whores were whores they were courtesans. Means the same thing but the word lacks all of the negative connotations describe and actually implies everything you so eloquently detailed ;) BUT . . . If you're gonna be a whore honey, be the best god damned whore you can be.

BuddahDesmond said...

Yes, let the real whores please stand up! Educate! Embrace your whoredom. I did and it's done wonders. I'm loving your blog more and more everyday!

Have a good weekend!

Prince Todd said...

I'm going with Cogent. I love Courtesean as It makes me think of the movie Dangerous Beauty...where women who wanted to be educated and lead lives of privilege and adventure were trained to be professional "working girls." haha.
I'd totally be a male courtesean if I could wear fine 17th century period wear...heh.

Chet said...

Nothing wrong with being a whore. I do like the term courtesean.

Todd HellsKitchen said...

Smart! Sexy! Hot! LOL!

Tim said...

Yo man...I agree!

joey said...

I've been a slut (yay!), I've been a whore (been?), but I have never been a courtesean. I just don't have the silk stockings for it.

I love all of these titles. I've always had fun sorting out which one I wore best on any given Sunday night.

The Blackout Blog said...

God, this reminds me of myself picking up a guy this weekend. Strikingly handsome older guy. And I knew exactly what he needed.
And gave it to him. The word whore flashed into my mind in the act, but it was hot. And my payment was knowing that he was utterly and absolutely satisfied. Thanks for posting.

Anonymous said...

My inner whore is always on.

Unknown said...

I've been called a Whore MANY NEVER bothered me one bit...I knew exactly what I was doing!

yet another black guy said...

im'ma pass, but now my curiosity has been stoked...

dupree* said...



@Forbidden Light- You're so right everyone can't handle it. Selective is a must. ...Lets synchronize our watches, the movement is on!

@DRAMA DUPREE- I'm trying to put them on to game!!...They just don't understand how you're still working in a recession.

@Mechadude2001- Thank you

@Garçon Stupide- LMFAO!!! With your blessing I shall carry on, head held high!

@Roger Poladopoulos- Thank you!

@robertga99- Happy to have enlightened you! :) Now email me for the coinciding things you can write off on your taxes next year.

@Cogent Ascending- Hmmmm ...They say "you'll never know where you're going if you dont know where you came from" so as a whore I'll be researching these 'courtesan' ancesters you speak of.

@BuddahDesmond- YEEESSSS!! You gotta love yourself before you can love anybody else!!!...and Thank you.Thant means alot to hear

@ToddyEnglish- I'll be adding Dangerous Beauty on my TO DO list for this weekend!...Im in love with period pieces also!

@Chet- Thank you for your support sir! :) ...I have got to really wilkepedia courtesean as soon as I publish this!

@Todd HellsKitchen- Thank you!..You get it so My job is done!

@Tim- Good!! Feels great to be in good company!!

@joey- LOL!!! stockings?? well I prefer fishnets anyday of the week so my fate has been sealed!

@The Blackout Blog- Your inner whore going into auto pilot is ALWAYS SO EXHILARATING!!

@WannabeVirginia W.- Mine too!! Can't leave home without it!!

@thegayte-keeper- And knowing gives you a serenity words can't touch!! Yes!

@yet another black guy- Beware..curiosity is the first step into the unknown :)

@DRAMA DUPREE- Look I try, I try!!! I'll do better going forwared but Being a whore is exhausting and takes alot of time. If I don't whore I won't have anything to blog about and If I blog everyday I'll never get to whore!!

Thirty3 Naked Laydies said...

God daaaamn! "Intellectual intercourse begins as soon as I say “Hello”."

Sing it! Preach it! Who hasn't been a whore during these tough times??

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