Are You Just A Fuck?


Men are primal in nature and most will fuck any hole given the right circumstances. Some guys make it known up front that all they want from you is sex. Others use more deceitful tactics like making you think they’re into you or may possibly want a relationship from you. When in the end you’re just a fuck. You wanna make sure you’re not objectified against your will? Then pay close attention. These are the top ways to know YOU'RE JUST A FUCK..or at best the side dude.

--If the only time you see this guy is late at night or after the club, after he’s drunk from too many shots of Patron and you 2 have wild passionate sex. Most likely you’re just a fuck or the side piece. Men spend time with their Boyfriend/Girlfriend or anyone they sincerely want to get to know and most of all they take them to DAYTIME events.

--If he only corresponds to you via text message most likely you’re just a fuck or the side piece. When a guy is truly into you he’ll want to hear your voice. Text messages are disconnecting.

--Do you text him and it takes him long periods of time to respond? Then clearly you’re not high on his priority list. Guys have their phone on them at all times. No matter how busy he is, if you mean anything to him your response wont take long. If it does its because he’s keeping his options open for something or someone better because you’re just a fuck or a side piece at best.
--When you call does his phone constantly go to voicemail only for him to call you back shortly afterwards? Well thats because he had to make a quick excuse to get some privacy and see what you want. Other times he may answer the phone only to place you on hold while he leaves the the room or house.

--Does he call you boo, baby, anything other than your name OR he never says your name at all?? Its because he doesn’t know it or remember it. Guys will fuck you for months and not know your name. The whole time you thinking you’re special your name is saved in his phone under ‘Dude from the club with the dreads” or even worse the # is saved under your Adam4Adam screen name.

--Do you call him one name but his friends call him something else?? Most likely its because he doesn’t want to run the risk of you saying his name around any of the other guys he is fucking; or in the same vicinity or circle of friends as his boyfriend thus fucking up his good thing at home. So if you don’t know the name on his State issued I.D chances are you’re just a fuck or a side piece at best.


The Blackout Blog said...

Dude from the club with the dreads” or even worse the # is save under your Adam4Adam screen name.


Prince Todd said...

This list is the TRUTH! Too many people try and make excuses for the behavior (i.e. Oh maybe he's not calling me right back because he got in a car wreck). Bitch, he just not into you (well, metaphorically speaking).

Cogent Ascending said...

I freaking love the say my name one. I have done that whole thing so many freaking times!!!!!! Bwahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

Very good post. There have been times when I know I'm just a fuck--and if it's good, I really don't care. LOL. And there are times when I do keep people around just for a fuck. Oh, the things we do.

Chet said...

More often than not I'm just a something to do, but most times I have figured that much out, the brothas have taught me to recogize game. If the sex is pleasing I register no complaint.

Qucifer said...

Preach! And Praise Oh Imaginary Husband You!! can we make this a copy and paste for chicks too!!?!

Thirty3 Naked Laydies said...

Baby JESUS! This IS the Bible. Toy Couture, you've got to stop this. Look, I have work... so can't spend all day here reading your posts. God damn this is good!

jamari fox said...

Can I feature this on my blog TOY? I really think the Foxes on my end need a briefing.


jamari fox said...

.... and seriously,
as a bottom,
I save these dudes in my phone either by their screen name, what I thought of them when I met them...

+ I give them a 1 to 5 rating. Depends on how the rating is how high I will jump for you.

zillz said...

lol true stuff. forgetting the name is the worst

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