Many of you are aware of 'On-Line Predators'. Generally these are pedophiles, older heterosexual males that scourer the internet prowling for young, pubescent girls. In the last couple years we have been introduced to 'Cougars', older heterosexual females in search of opportunistic, virile, younger guys. Well, not to be out done the gays have upped the ante and merged the 2.…allow me to introduce you to the 'On-Line Candy Man'.
There’s nothing more dangerous out there than an older gay male with raging hormones, good credit and extra money to spare. They are sometimes older white men with a sweet tooth for young chocolate boys or older black men that like the allure and danger of a young thug. You see these sexual predators in the chat rooms and dating sites all over, and many of us have them as friends. They’ll stalk a young and unsuspecting 19 or 20yr old and lure them with video games, booze, marijuana, or cold hard cash.
You know who you are. Letting them make love to you to rap music when you know you’re use to fucking to slow jams. I see you. Thats the first clue you might be a 'On-Line Candy Man'. Leave these kids alone! I hope one of their momma's catch your ass. If you’re a gay man on-line sending messages to somebody who doesn’t know the music you grew up on then shame on you! Hit people up your on damn age! ......SMH
oh fuck thats funny that happen to me so much when i was young, (am still 25)but i would take it seriously, thses guys can fuck your head up! and your body, they don't care about you!
The game continues...
That shit right there makes me mad as HELL!! I hate for teens to be taken advantage of in anyway. I detest predators! DETEST!
Thanks for exposing that shit!
OMG!! I hate these old pervs....i faced one of them wen i strted socializing on the gay network!
Thank God I nvr accepted his offers to meet him fr a 'good-time'!
Whoa, whoa, whoa.
Ho'd up.
For real guys?
No love for the sugar daddy's?
If it hadn't been for the kindness of sugar daddy's I wouldn't be where I am today.
I never fucked any of em but that's because my game and ass is epic and superior at mesmerizing the elderly gays.
If your game is no good and you have to actually put out to get a sugar daddy to give you what you want/need you need to not hate the player but take another look at your game.
Maybe YOU need to improve.
thanks for the subject of my next blog Toy ;p
A year ago I had a "candy man." I didn't know he had become my candy man until he started wanting to get down with the get down...
It started innocently with him: buying me new clothes, getting gas for my car, paying for my dinner, and etc el...
Then he offered to buy me tickets to a Beyonce show only if we, "took the relationship to the next level."
Needless to say it did not work out because he had an inverted penis.
I don't know: I say 2 consenting adults are allowed to do what they want.
I wish I would ahve a candy man!
Bump ya'll I'll take it. Toddy English inverted penis, not sure exactly what that means, crooked? Anyway I would be like we can work it out, on to Saks 5th Ave we a go gooooo!!!!
Look I'm not going to do munch talking bad about Candy Man's or whatever, becasue we never know where we will bein 20 years. I might just be a candy man when I'm 44 or 45, who knows. I done met a few negrows now who wanted a sponser, but I'm young now, not trying to me that.
Here's my thing how you going to compare to catch a predator to gay men luring 19 and 20 year olders with booze, weed, and things. THey are grown. By law they are consenting adults. Now perhaps 16 or 17 year olders are one thing, but 18, 19, 20, it 's all good in the city.
I say you make it do what it do!
Look I'm 23 and I like doing it to slow jams all day everyday, but I have done it to Tupac, T.I., what the one with the dude with the song about put some D's on it...I think Rich Boy, um Ludacris. I'm not a huge rap fan. I listen and occasionally buy it, but I prefer slow R&B. Anyway I have done it to rap to please the particular company I was with. Sometimes you do what you have to do, to make a thug with his ass in the air, feel comfortable.
LMAO!!! 60% of the online emails we get are from who? These yuck-yuck Candy Men. Thank you for sharing. It's annoying. And NO, I'm not interested in you. You are older than my father!
I don't know. I have to think that unless someone is being raped that person, young or not, always has the option of just saying no and walking away from whatever it is that they don't want.
i'm far from being a candyman, as i prefer men to be 35-45, but the funny thing lately is the somewhat positive feedback i get from younger folks. who's the predator? the old pervs hungering for young flesh, or those young ones flaunting it for everyone to see and hoping to catch a good one? people play games, no matter the age.
but let's be clear here: i despise pedophiles and would gladly chop off their genitals, for starters...
as for the rest, do as you see fit, but don't be surprised by the consequences.
If you don't mind a "Breeder's" opinion, the lust for the young has as much to do with the energy of them -- fresh, optimistic, and not yet jaded by break-ups and taxes, and the hundred other day-to-day annoyances that give us bags under our eyes. I work with a lot of college students (I'm 36) and they're fun to be friendly with, and knowing what I'm enjoying, I can leave it at that.
Cheers, and thanks for the well-wishes on my Blog :)
Oh I have had them stalking me in my younger days. Old as dirt and trying to "lock me down".
I bet in some closet underneath a stairwell.
The what? OMG! Not the Online Candy Man! I suppose that these men find whatever avenues they can to seek out prey. The young brothas have got to be careful not to fall prey to the madness.
Well, I also herad about the kind of men you describe who also searched for young boys and not necesseraly gays... they just chased those they liked, even if they were straight, and basically raped them.
At nineteen and twenty years old guys are quite old enough to sort things out for themselves - and if they're immature then it's our collective fault for not having educated them properly.
In my country the age of consent for girls and boys in 16 - so believe me, by 19 and 20 many are seeking out and partnering 16s & 17s!
Education about safe sex is our first priority and opening people's eyes to the wide range of potential partners available is another.
Too funny! Although I get hit on by more young guys these days. I was always attracted to older guys when I was younger. I used to chase the daddies now I am the daddy type...lol. I love your blog. www.professorlocs.com Keep writing!
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